Kiyul IP Law Firm Recognized in WTR 1000 for Trademark Excellence

We are proud to announce that Kiyul IP Law Firm has been listed in the 2024 edition of the WTR 1000 (World Trademark Review 1000) for its outstanding expertise in trademarks.
WTR 1000 is a globally recognized ranking that highlights the leading law firms and practitioners in the trademark field based on extensive research, client feedback, and industry evaluations. This recognition reflects our firm’s commitment to providing professional, timely, and client-focused trademark services.

Furthermore, our managing partner, Mooyun Shin, has been recognized as a “Recommended Individual” in the trademark field. With over a decade of experience, he has successfully assisted both domestic and international brands across all aspects of trademark law, from prosecution and litigation to transactions. WTR 1000 highlights his recent work with OA Entertainment, Smartscore, and Harbin Qiulin Beverage Technology, as well as the detailed and knowledgeable advice he provides to clients.
This achievement is a testament to our team’s dedication and expertise. We will continue to uphold the highest standards in intellectual property services and support our clients in navigating complex trademark challenges.

Thank you to our clients and colleagues for their trust and support!